Star*Drive Campaign setting

Campaign: Try and guess ! It's the setting !
Author(s): David Eckelberry and Richard Baker
Usefulness: 10 if you intend to use the Star*Drive setting, 2 if you intend not to
Appreciation: 9, because I really don't like to give out perfect scores

The Star*Drive setting is the first campaign setting for the Alternity game. The scores I gave above are pretty representative of my opinion on this book. I think it details the nations, the verge and cultures in just the right depth. This 256 hard cover book is all the creative GM's need to play Star*Drive, which is kind of refreshing in a world of choppy books extended by countless other books. If you played or read the two adventures that came with both the Player Handbook and the Game Master Game ( this offer was a limited time offer when the alternity came out ) you should have a pretty clear idea of the setting. The only drawback is that they should have included more information on old space and aliens.

Reviewer: Bleakcabal

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