The Lighthouse

Campaign: Star*Drive
Author(s): David Eckelberry
Usefulness: 7
Appreciation: 6.5

A well tough out book with detailed information on the lighthouse interior and shops, unfortunately this book lack an interest actor. More information should have been given to the Lighthouse capabilities and mistake like its ridiculous length ( about 1 km if I remember ) should have been rectified. Note that that many sentients cannot fit in such a small space, nor live in it. On the plus side the adventure hooks are well fleshed out and the book serves its purpose to introduce locals in the lighthouse to meet the
need of the heroes and the Gm. This book could have been really great if more interesting elements where brought in and more
focus on the supporting cast and there interaction would have been given, like in the old SpellJammer accessory Spelljamer.

Reviewer: Bleakcabal

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