This section expend on the alien artifact rules in the Gamemaster guide. It includes different sections on such topics as new powers, drawbacks, purposes and such.

Artifact Powers

These powers are not included in the Gmg power list ( evidently ) but I have no intentions to make another table. Rather these can be used by Game masters who select their powers ( which I think is the best way to go ).

Time Shift ( defense )

Once a day when the hero is in danger, the artifact can send the user in the very near future when the threat is passed. Threats should be short lived and deadly ones such as a gun shot, laser beam, energy attack, falling rocks, ect. The hero cannot be projected more than two rounds in the future and in the case of cave ins and such the hero appears on top of the hazard preferably but sometimes can be materialized in the debris in questions, which can still be really painful. The Game master should decide when the power is activated. Note that this power does not automatically activate when a threat is present.
Ordinary: once a day
Good: twice a day
Amazing: twice a day, up to three round displacement

Dark matter conversion ( defense )

This power absorb dark matter attacks from weapons, fx and alien artifacts. This power works only on dark matter attack or phenomenon which will or can affect the hero. When such and attack is directed at the caster the dark matter dissipate into energy as it approaches the hero. The hero is completely shielded from the attack, tough there is a drawback. For each point of mortal damage the attack would normally generate the hero takes two stun damage points and a fatigue point from feedback from the artifact. For each for point of wound damage the hero would normally take the hero takes one point of stun damage and one point of fatigue damage from feedback. The feedback damage is 1 point of fatigue damage for each three points of stun damage absorbed.
Ordinary: 75% chance of success
Good: Same as text
Amazing: Ignore fatigue damage

EMP pulse ( offense )

This power generate a small ball of electricity that generate a very short lived and very small electro-magnetic pulse centered on the caster. This ball can be generated up to 20 meters away but no less than 5 meters from the caster. Its small range affects only one target or possibly two. The effect depends on the quality of the power.
Ordinary: 2d4 stun
Good: 2d4+2 stun
Amazing: 1d6+1 wound

Sub molecular manipulation ( environmental )

This power works as the molecular manipulation power. Tough the user does not need to make a physic skill check for success and the range and mass is much smaller. This power can also affect things at a sub molecular level. The hero can affect things like tachyons, quarks and neutrinos and can add or subtract a day for a ship to recharge it's Stardrive engines or add a +1 or -1 step bonus/penality to sensors in some cases and at the game master description.
Ordinary: 10 meters, 100 kilograms
Good: 20 meters, 200 kilograms
Amazing: 50 meters, 500 kilograms

Nightmare ( offense )

This power conjures nightmarish images in the mind of anyone who looks in the hero's eye. This power must be activated consciously by the hero. The visions provide step penalties.
Ordinary: 2/week, +2 steps
Good: 4/week, +3 steps
Amazing: 10/week, +3 steps

Artifact Drawbacks

These drawbacks should be used the same way as the artifact powers ( described above ).

Evil eye

At random intervals or when the artifact power is activated, people looking at the caster's faces are disturbed by their gaze. Supporting cast members who have been victims to the evil eye are left with a bad impression of the hero and are generally distrustful towards him. This can earn the hero a bad reputation, or even give him an evil feel at times. The game master should try to use these drawbacks as much as possible.


When the artifact power is activated or at random intervals, a puddle of corrosive ooze forms around the caster. All those on the ooze ( including the caster ) take corrosive damage for each round they spend on the ooze. The damage is 1 wound per round and the patch of ooze is generally roughly 10 meters in diameter. The ooze dissolve after 20 - 2d6 rounds. This power can be used with moderation. Hero's could wear special apparel to protect them, in this case the damage is 1 wound per 3 rounds spent on the ooze.


When the hero is in danger or in action headaches give him a -1 step penalty. Note that this is much more a drawback that it looks.

Lengthy recharge

This drawback cause ships no bigger than a medium freighter that the hero is on to take an additional day to recharge after a star fall. Note that with this artifact a ship cannot take more than five days to recharge.

Primitive effect

This drawback give the effect of the primitive flaw to the hero. The hero gets the penalty for using technology. This does not affect the social standing of the hero. The hero can still retain or gain technological knowledge or use machinery and having a good understanding of it. It's just that for a reason or another, because of this artifact the hero has troubles operating or using technology. This is cumulative with other such penalties.


Here are sample artifacts that you can use in your campaign or use as models or inspiration for creation of your own.

The Book of the Necromancers

This old an arcane book always seems to be old yet never deteriorates or is affected by aging, it is extremely resilient to time, the elements and energy. This big arcane volume is written in a strange version of of old weren. This book comes from the weren home world tough it's current whereabouts are unknown. Many stories surround this book and it is known by many weren as an ill omen, an evil object and a force of darkness. Heroes or SCMs with this book may have problems dealing with weren. The person needs only carry this book with him and try and decipher it's strange writings once a week to benefit from it's powers.

Powers: Heightened Will
             Heightened Intelligence
             Dark matter attack

Drawbacks: Evil eye
                   Primitive effect
                   Infamous Device